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Are you looking to enrol onto a V300 University Prescribing course?
Do you require a Practice Assessor & Supervisor to support and direct your practice hours?


Our NMC registered nurses/independent prescribers have over 15 years combined experience within the Aesthetic Industry. Their wide support network and close links with many universities over the last few
years have enabled them to support many students to successfully complete their V300 courses.

What support will be given?
• Our learning programme will provide opportunities for the trainee to meet their learning objectives and gain competency in prescribing.
• Learning will be facilitated by encouraging critical thinking and reflection.
• Dedicated time and opportunities will be provided for students to observe how we conduct consultations with patients and develop management plans.
• Opportunities will be provided for the student to carry out consultations and suggest clinical
management and prescribing options.
• Structured support systems are in place to ensure students are able to integrate theory with practice.
• Opportunities will be provided to allow in-depth discussion and analysis of clinical management using a random case analysis approach.
• We work in collaboration with other support systems for students including personal tutors and also network with other medical professionals.
• We assess & verify that, by the end of the course, the trainee is competent in their practical ability to assume the prescribing role.

All students must satisfy one of the current professional entry criteria for entry to the University Non-Medical Prescribing programme:

• Nurses must meet the NMC (2018) requirements for independent/
supplementary prescribing.
• HCPC registered physiotherapists, podiatrists, paramedics and therapeutic radiographers must meet the AHPf (2018) requirements for
independent/supplementary prescribing. The requirement that paramedics be working at the advanced practice level or equivalent is, therefore, crucial to admission to University prescribing programmes.
• HCPC registered diagnostic radiographers and dietitians must meet the AHPf (2018) requirements for supplementary prescribing.

Duration: 45- 90 Practice Hours

Pricing Breakdown:
45-90 Hours: £1750 + VAT
(Flexible dates and times available to complete required hours)

(Please note: The prices quoted above are for practice hours only. University course fees are additional and should be arranged directly with the University)

Booking Fee: 50% upfront booking fee (NB: non-refundable and non transferable).

Remaining balance to be paid on completion of practice hours.

Payments can be made by either Cash/ PayPal or Bank Transfer.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us:
Tel: 07548 867428 Email: info@synergy-aesthetics.co.uk